Way more than a family of three can possibly eat (and yet here I sit trying to decide if I should order more chicks!). I use a light in the hen house at night to simulate longer days in the winter so I have been getting 6 to 8 eggs per day for the last six weeks or so. Fortunately they are very versatile and a quick, easy fix. I learned this trick for making a quick egg salad years ago. It also works well when your eggs are too fresh and won't peel easily if hard boiled.
First, crack the desired number of eggs into a sprayed or buttered shallow, microwave safe dish. I'm using a square glass baking pan I bought at the thrift store for $2 and that includes a wicker carrying cover. A glass pie plate works very well also. Break the yolks so they do not explode, but do not mix.
Microwave for one minute and then gently pull the cooked edges to the center. Repeat for another minute and continue at 30 second intervals until your eggs are cooked. This usually runs about 4 minutes total cooking time, depending on how many eggs you use and the depth of the cooking container.
Do not over stir. You want to make sure the whites and yolks remain as separate as possible. You don't want to make scrambled eggs, though you could use this technique for that if desired.
The cooked eggs should show a definite white and yolk separation.
Using a fork, pastry cutter or potato masher, break up the egg into small pieces. From here, use any egg salad recipe you like. I use salt, pepper, a little yellow mustard and homemade mayonnaise but I know some like pickle relish, onions, celery salt or hot sauce. In the immortal words of Yo Gabba Gabba 'go crazy, go crazy'.
Here are my finished sandwiches on lightly toasted sour dough. I also think that egg salad on rye bread is a delicious combination.
So next time you're in a hurry for a quick lunch or snack, give this technique a try. It's been a great help over the years when I've been in a pinch for time. Let me know how it works for you.
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