
Early Spring Sunrise Snow on the Silo

Friday, April 16, 2010

Randomness from the last week

Things have been very busy this past week or so. It's tough enough to get the necessities done much less sit down and take the time to blog about it. We said good-bye to Regina, one of the older Oberhasli does with CAE. She was able to spend a nice day out in the pasture munching new grass Sunday, but the next morning I could see she was becoming weaker and it was time for her to go. I miss her pestering me while I milk, but it was time. The weather has cooperated nicely in terms of getting more done in the garden. I've planted spinach, lettuce and beets, peas and potatoes have been in a while and I've set out some of the broccoli and romaine seedlings.

I've harvested some fibre from two of the Angora does to send off to a spinner to her try her hand at. I'm very interested to see how the yarn turns out. Of course, Boogie had to lend a hand. One of the other does has some little pink babies in her nest box and I'm hoping all goes well with them. I like to leave new Mamas alone, so I have no idea how many are there. Guess I will know in a couple of weeks.

Speaking of the Boogie-man, he is growing and learning so many things. When asked he will put things in the garbage (and leave them there), he can count to three, knows to put cans in the recycle bag and put his shoes on by himself for the very first time. When I came up from getting the bottles ready for the goat kids he had put them on without any help!
OK, so they are his winter boots and it was 80 degrees out that day, and YES, they are on the wrong feet and NO, he wasn't wearing any pants, but a boy has to start somewhere!

The big excitement for the week was a huge meteor that passed over the farm the other night. I was up in the bedroom with south facing windows so all I saw was sky becoming bright as day. Rob was in the kitchen and got to see the actual fireball out an east facing window. It was followed by a window rattling sonic boom about a minute later, that sent all the dogs into a frenzy. The amount of misinformation posted on Facebook immediately following was pretty amusing, Chicken Little would have fit right in.

This silly spring cold continues to hang on. I've had quite enough of coughing and blowing my nose, I'm ready for this to be done. We're having a cool, breezy day today so I need to get some clothes out on the line and set out some more seedlings and potato sets. Enjoy your weekend!

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