
Early Spring Sunrise Snow on the Silo

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Hello, my name is Jezebel, and I knit.

It all starts when you see a beautiful, one of a kind custom knit item. You take one look at the price, which was really quite reasonable, all things considered, and think to yourself 'I used to knit and crochet a bit, I can make one of these myself'. So it begins, searching the interwebz, craft stores and thrift shops for needles, yarn and patterns. You join Ravelry and spend hours drooling over patterns and the stashed yarn of others with like addictions. You browse Hyena Cart and Etsy, even Ebay, for the perfect colorways on the softest base. Next, you may dabble in dyeing your own colorways, spinning your own yarn or even raising animals for fibre. Your family grows weary of hearing 'just let me finish this row, I'll be right there' and the tears as you frog a project that was 3/4's finished. The spare bedroom is stuffed full of moth proof tubs of yarn, the contents better protected from the suns damaging rays than your own skin. You pet it and dream of the lovely projects it will all some day become. There is a tote at the ready, filled with a grab and go project for cars trips, waiting rooms and play group. Your online friends are knitters, you seek out knitting groups at the local yarns stores and libraries. The weekend trip and vacation calendar fills up with fibre festivals and conventions. Your friends are trying to decide whether they should turn you into Intervention, Hoarders or both.

Does any part of this sound familiar?

It was less than three short years ago that I fell in love with hand knit diaper covers, but they were out of my price range. I was already making recycled and fleece covers for Boogie and resale at my Hyena Cart Shop, but it had been a while since I picked up knitting needles and I had only ever knit flat. I knew nothing of plys, merino and BFL, mohair blends and mulespun. As I educated myself it became clear that I had no intention of ever buying acrylic at Wal-Mart ever again!

I was already frequenting a few cloth diaper forums and stumbled across a great group of yarn obsessed women that are amazing enablers. It started out with cheap needles and yarns, but I have gradually upgraded my supplies and have found some good bargains on higher quality yarns, though I still haven't taken the plunge into the really pricey yarns. Now I'm looking into other bases, like bamboo and silk, to make something for *gasp* myself!

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