
Early Spring Sunrise Snow on the Silo

Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Promise of Spring

Here I sit with warming temperatures and the huge drifts of snow melting and all I can think of is my garden. I've begun sorting through the seeds I have on hand (properly stored they can last for years) and deciding what varieties to plant this season. I also need to determine what seeds I need to purchase this year.
Lessons learned from last years garden is that I need to plant more beets and carrots. Rose is still my favorite general purpose tomato and the polish romas may have replaced oxheart as my favorite plum, all heirloom varieties of course. I'd like to start enough seedling to have extras to sell.

The lights are all set up, I just use standard 4 foot florescent lights that were removed from a building in town and destined for landfill. I really could use one more.
The first bits of green are flat leaf parsley seedlings I planted two weeks ago.

I've also planted broccoli and Cheddar cauliflower, Bright Lights Swiss Chard and cabbage.

I plan to set out seed potatoes in the raised beds as close to St. Patricks as possible.

I need to run to Dubuque tomorrow and pick up some 6 mil plastic to cover the hoop house. I'm hoping to get it filled up with seedlings for the garden and sale later this spring.

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