There is nothing better then wood heat and the dogs certainly love sleeping by the wood stove. No matter if wood is your primary source of heat, supplemental or just a cozy fire now and again, getting the darn thing started can be a challenge.
Try these home made fire starters, they are quick and easy to make and they work really well.
All you need is a cardboard egg carton, wood shavings and some paraffin. Here I am using pine bedding, but any bedding or sawdust will work. I'm also sure you noticed my wax is red. It is cheese wax that I found on Freecycle, but canning paraffin, beeswax or even old candles will work.
While you are melting your paraffin, discard the top of the egg carton and fill the cups with wood chips.
Pour the heated paraffin over the shavings to fill the cells, tapping gently.
Allow the wax to cool then break into individual cups.
When you are ready to use, just light the paper cup and place with your kindling.
They will continue to burn long enough to get your fire going.
For a pretty starter, wrap a pine cone with candle wick and dip that in paraffin.
Boogie has been helping with my knitting, here he models a Moebius Cowl that I made for myself. Visit my Hyena Cart if you want me to knit one for you!Cowls, scarves and hats can be hand knit to order.
We are expecting the temperature to drop again this weekend, so enjoy your wood fire and get some knitting done (or at least wear something hand knit ;-).
He is SO cute. I will order one of him. :)